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Scaleups for a Sustainable Developed future

Since 1948 the Human Rights Day is observed on December 10th. Besides reaffirming its importance, we would like to highlight that human rights are the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) reflected in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Once the SDGs offers critical opportunities to further advance the accomplishment of human rights for all people, without discrimination, we present how the scaleups companies in this second batch are collaborating to achieve the SGDs.

Check the 7 goals scaleups are achieving:

No Poverty


There is a high correlation between global statistics on the unbanked and poverty. For instance, 75% of all unbanked people are poor. For various reasons, 1.7 billion people around the world do not have a bank account. Facetrom's goal is to help the world and the unbanked people. By using Facetrom, “unbanked people can get services without sharing any personal data such as ID number, phone number, name and any other detail people are sharing today with the companies. With Facetrom you’ll keep your users 100% anonymous, 100% private and with no discrimination”, says Ido Peleg, Facetrom founder and CEO.

Zero Hunger

Aleph Farms

Today, one in nine people are hungry. There are new ways to produce meat that can help the world achieve #ZeroHunger. One of them is cultured meat, or cell-based meat, which is grown from animal cells in a lab to produce muscle tissue. Aleph Farms is a pioneer in cultivating cell-based meat and aims to take its products to the galaxy! – literally.

Quality Education


Lifelong learning starts early. Inception XR aligns technology and funny reading to kids in one of its best products: Bookful. By using augmented reality, Bookful improves reading, spelling, memory, and creativity.

Clean Water and Sanitation


1 out of every 5 deaths under the age of 5 worldwide is due to a water-related disease. Elgressy Engineering Services develops and markets comprehensive solutions and systems for treating and preventing common water-related problems including scale, bacteria, and corrosion.

Smart Cities and communities


World leaders recognized at the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) that transportation and mobility are central to sustainable development. Autofleet is a startup that develops fleet optimization software to redirect underused vehicles into ride-hailing and delivery service.

Sustainable consumption and production


Around 70 percent of freshwater withdrawals go into agriculture. Viridix is a precision irrigation decision support system powered by Root Sense soil moisture sensor that save water, increase yield, and raise profits.

Life on Land


As much as 80 to 90% of pesticides that are applied to crops hit non-target vegetation directly or volatilize from the treated area off-site and contaminate air, soil, and non-target plants. AgroScout is dedicated to detecting early-stage crop diseases to improve crop yields, reduce pesticide use, and increase profits.

Do you want to know more about the ScaleUp inBrazil program and the other participating companies? Get in touch with us by the email

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